I'm always looking for ways to save money...and make our household healthier so this hand soap is a win-win! Making hand soap literally costs PENNIES, take less than 5min to make, plus it smells ahhhhmazing and isn't harmful for my sweet kiddos!
Now, I use Thieves Essential Oil from Young Living for my hand soap because it's a powerful blend of clove, cinnamon bark, lemon, eucalyptus radiata, and rosemary oils; it smells AMAZING, but it also boosts the immune system, helps promote respiratory health, and has power to fight microbes.
Each oil alone has great benefits for the body...
Clove: high anti-microbial, anti-fungal, antiviral, antiseptic and stimulating properties
Cinnamon Bark: antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anti-diabetic, and anticancer properties
Lemon: high in d-limonene, a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, helps boost immune system and fight respiratory conditions b/c it supports the lymphatic system
Eucalyptus Radiata: antibacterial, skin supporting, and respiratory support
Rosemary: lowers stress levels and nervous tension, boosts mental activity, encourages clarity and insight, relieves fatigue, and supports respiratory function

All you'll need is:
- Dr Bronners Castile Soap
- Distilled Water
- Thieves Essential Oil
- Lemon Essential Oil
- Foaming Soap Dispenser

1. Pour 5 TBSP Pure Castile Soap in soap dispenser
2. Add 8 drops of Thieves Essential Oil

3. Add 5 drops of Lemon Essential Oil
4. Fill almost to top with Distilled Water
5. Swirl to combine

***TIP***You can always add vitamin E oil or vegetable glycerin (1tsp) if you want it to moisturize your skin. I've been making my hand soap for over a year without any and I've never had my hands dry out (even during flu season!)
I don't know about you, but I'm all about all of those benefits going on my hands and NO TOXIC CHEMICALS! Just a side note, I strongly recommend not getting thieves like blends from any other source other than Young Living. With Young Living you get the seed to seal promise...they control EVERY aspect of the oil from when the plant is first planted, to weed management (no pesticides are used!), to harvest to distilling to testing to bottling and it guarantees that there's no fillers (did you know companies can say "100% pure therapeutic oil" and STILL put fillers in it, ie fractionated coconut oil, to dilute it without taking away from the smell) or chemicals added to make them smell "accurate") I used to be too cheap for Young Living and used the amazon brands or stuff you could get in walmart...they smelled great but I never got anything from them....except headaches! So I was very skeptical about investing in Young Living, but it was seriously one of the best decisions I've ever made! Mainly because the oils WORK and are safe to use on my babies, dogs, husband, etc!
If you're thinking that Thieves is too expensive...let me break it down for you. Once you're a member of YL the Thieves Oil is $34....and contains about 270 drops of oil...if you only ever use this bottle for hand soap(which, theres soooooo many other uses for it that I wouldn't recommend it, but to prove my point..), you could make over THREE DOZEN bottles... three dozen...and I don't know any soap that's cheaper than $1, let alone a soap that's actually beneficial to your body!!
If you're interested in seeing for yourself how incredible and beneficial to your health these oils are, click here http://bit.ly/kelseyschueler and then select the button that says "I was referred by a member...", make sure the member number 18478685 appears in the "Enroller" and "Sponsor ID" fields, choose your starter kit and you're ready to go! (cheapest option is $35 and then you can add whatever oils you want and you'll be able to get them all at our discounted 24% off rate. I personally would recommend the Premium Starter kit (comes with a 5ml of thieves) or the Thieves starter kit (comes with a 15ml bottle!) After that I can add you to our invite only oily group on Facebook that literally EVERY question you've ever had about essential oils can be answered (also, feel free to email me at raisinggracefilledarrows@gmail.com if you ever have any questions about oils, my oily testimony about WHY I believe in the products and what's worked for our family, or the signup for Young Living)