My son thinks chocolate is the best thing ever and I really can't disagree! I love trying to make everything he eats mostly healthy so these chocolate muffins are PERFECT. I sweeten it with honey so really the only sugary thing in them is the dark chocolate chips...which apparently dark chocolate is somewhat healthy for you....sooooooo in my mind, these muffins are just healthy chocolaty goodness.

Now, since Eggs are limited where I live right now, I've been using Flax eggs for most of my baking because I don't really taste a difference! If you have an abundance of eggs, omit the flax and just use 3 eggs! Flax is also INCREDIBLE for your body so I like baking with it! It's full of omega 3 fats, fiber, protein, it can help lower blood pressure, and improve cholesterol among other benefits!
I also swap 1/4 cup of flour for Hemp Protein and Fiber for an extra boost of good, but that's totally optional!
All you'll need is:
- Mixing Bowl
- Spoon
- 2.5 Cups of Flour
- 1/2 Cup Melted Coconut Oil
- 1/2 Cup Honey
- 1/2 + 1TBSP Cup Cocoa Powder
- 3 TBSP Flax & 7 TBSP Water (or 3 Eggs)
- 1 tsp Baking Soda
- 1 tsp Salt
- 1 tsp Vanilla
- 2 Cups Grated Zucchini
- 3/4 Cup Dark Chocolate Chips

1. Preheat oven to 350 and grease muffin pans
2. In a small bowl, stir 3TBSP of Flax Seeds and 7TBSP of water together and set aside (for 5 minutes)

After 5 minutes your flax eggs should have changed consistency to be thicker

3. While you're waiting on your flax egg to change consistency, grate your zucchini. I usually use 2 med-large ones and it's perfect. I don’t squeeze the zucchini super hard but I usually do use a paper towel or two and smoosh the top layer to soak up some of the water.

4. In a mixing bowl, add melted coconut oil, flax eggs, (or 3 regular eggs), vanilla, honey and stir until just moistened.

5. Add in flour, baking powder, salt, and cocoa powder (also the hemp protein fiber if you choose to add it)

6. Add in the zucchini and chocolate chips and stir until just combined

7. Pour into greased muffin pans (I used a mini pan and 6 regular size) and fill to top (they don't rise very much so no worries about it overflowing)

8. Bake 15-17minutes for mini muffins, or 20-25minutes for regular

9. Let cool 5 min in pan before removing

Just look at the ooey gooey deliciousness🤤 SO, if you’re having a day where you NEED chocolate, these are a tasty somewhat healthy way to indulge that sweet tooth!
