Obviously Easter is going to look different this year for most people, and as much as that saddens me, I want to try to make the most out of it with my kiddos. I love going to Easter Egg hunts and going to special Easter programs at the library and church and whatnot. So, I've decided to try to still have fun in these next few days leading up to Easter. We're doing lots of fun crafts with random art supplies we've found during this "stay in place" situation we're all in, so definitely improvise with whatever you have! The kids won't know the difference! All that will matter is the fun memories that you'll make, creating with your children and telling them WHY we celebrate Easter! These are mostly just light and fun cutesy crafts, with a few actual biblical ones, so feel free to scroll to whichever ones look appealing to you! We are most definitely not artists in this household, so let your imagination run wild about how you can add on to these simple ideas!
1. Easter Bunny Painting

All you'll need for this super simple activity is:
- 3 toilet paper rolls
- white paint
- paint brush
- tape (to tape the toilet paper rolls together)
- black marker (for eyes, nose, & mouth)
- extra paint for "grass"
- googly eyes & glue (optional)

As you can see I let my almost 3 year old do this painting all by himself (minus the black marker) and he loved it! For older kids have them paint a whole background before doing the bunnies!
2. Peep House

What you'll need:
- Graham Crackers
- Peeps
- Jelly Beans
- Sprinkles
- Icing (recipe below)
Easy Icing
- 1/2 Cup Powdered Sugar
- 1.5TBSP Sugar Water (boil 2TBSP Water, add 1TBSP Sugar; stir til dissolved)

1. Take 2 graham crackers and make the roof; set aside
2. Place one graham cracker on the bottom and glue 3 walls around it leaving the front open

3. Spread some icing on bottom graham cracker and then sprinkle sprinkles on top for the "nest"

4. Place jelly beans on top of "nest"

5. Place roof on top
6. Place peep on top of "nest" of "eggs"

3. Easter Egg Hunt
This one's pretty self explanatory but you have all of those plastic eggs laying around waiting for Easter morning, so why not put them to use now!? Just fill with snacks and you're ready to go! I filled these with goldfish, raisins, and some chocolate chips and my toddler thought it was so fun! I've been doing this outside and then we have a "picnic" snack in the grass and eat whatever surprises are in his eggs, but this can totally be a fun inside on a rainy day idea too!

4. Q-Tip Eggs

Here's a great super easy fine motor skill activity to do with your littles!
All you need is:
-Glitter/stickers/etc (optional)

I'm all about simple activities and this one is probably the easiest but it still entertained my little guy for 20min!

5. Painted 'He Is Risen' Rocks

This painting activity is so fun! It was raining the day I planned to do this so we made do with sea shells from my bathroom. The original plan was to go on a "rock hunt" in the woods behind our house to find some big rocks to paint. So, if you want to have more fun with it, definitely go hunting for your rocks beforehand! The important thing is to Shelter in Place and flatten the curve, so just find any shell, canning jar, picture frame glass, etc to make it work!
All you'll need is:
-Paint (sunset colors)
-Sharpie (optional)

Paint a "sunset', wait for it to dry and then draw or paint crosses as you talk with your kiddos about how and why Jesus died on the cross for us and why we celebrate Easter!

6. Pom-Pom Easter Egg Painting

Here's another easy fine motor skill activity! All you need is:
-Glitter (optional)

7. Easter Chick

All you'll need for this easy craft is:
- Construction Paper
- Clothespins
- Glue
- Scissors
- Markers/Glitter (optional)

1. Have your kiddos draw and then cut out an egg shape
2. Decorate the egg however you want
3. Cut egg in half
4. Draw and cut out a baby "chick" (oval) and draw face on it
5. Glue baby chick to backside of a clothespin
6. Glue top shell of egg to front side of the clothespin
7. Wait for glue to dry and then glue the bottom part of the egg shell
8. Open and close clothespin to see baby chick "hatch"

This one my 2 year old did!
***Note how large it is...so we glued the chick on the back of the bottom shell and it works just as good!***

8. Cross "Stained Glass" Storm Door

This one is so fun! But it definitely takes a little more effort than most of these-it's still super simple though! Just a bit more time consuming.
You need:
-Painters tape (whatever kind of tape you can find)
-Paint (Washable is best!!)

Just tape out your design (hopefully you have more tape than I did!)

And then paint away!

Peel tape away once it's dried and that's it!

*Just a tip; if you want your neighbors to be impressed with your artistic skills; don't let your toddler help! But if you want your toddler to have a blast; let him paint!*
9. Resurrection Eggs for Preschool Aged Children

This activity is so fun! It can be lengthened for older kids (just look on pinterest!) but since little boys don't have the attention span to do this full activity, I figured short and sweet was best! My mom used to do this (the longer version) when I was a kid and it's a tradition I want to continue on with my children!
All you'll need:
- 8 Different Colored Plastic Eggs
- Sharpie
- Bread Crumb/Cracker (I used a pretzel chip)
- Coins (I used 2 dimes and 1 nickle)
- Flower/Leaf (we picked some pretty flower weeds)
- Nails (literally pulled them from the wall for the activity)
- Cloth (a scrap piece from a cushion our puppy destroyed)
- Rock (found outside)
- Jelly Beans (leftover from our Peep house activity)
- Empty egg carton
Clearly we used what we had! So be creative!

Here's what all of the items represent along with the corresponding Bible Verses:

We went on a "treasure hunt" first to collect our materials for the project!

Collecting a rock for our Stone that was rolled away

Picking flowers for our "Garden" egg where Jesus went to go pray

While I was hiding the eggs for our hunt, I let my kiddo decorate the top of the egg carton. Completely optional; I just needed him not following me around the house and that was the easiest thing!

He collected all of the eggs and then I had him dig in the basket for each number as I read the corresponding bible verse or two and in super simple words, explained the story.
I'm not the biggest fan of giving him sugar every day (although it doesn't seem like it based on this post!) but I think the jelly beans were vital in getting him to retain the story. We did this activity in the early morning, and at lunchtime I asked him to tell me about the story of Jesus that we talked about with the eggs, and he was able to tell me about the "dinner they ate together" and then "the bad guy that got all that money to be mean to Jesus", the "pretty flowers for smelling" *Jesus praying in the garden didn't quite stick*, the "clothes they put Jesus in and then locked him in the tomb with that BIIIIIIIG rock, but the rock rolled away later, it did, and Jesus was GONE, and I get my sweet treat cause Jesus is ALIVE" Pretty convinced if there was no "treat" at the end, it wouldn't have stuck with him as well.

11. He Is Risen
This activity is good to make after you do your resurrection eggs since the story is fresh in their minds! All you'll need is:
- Popsicle sticks
- Glue
- Crayons/Markers
- Construction Paper
- Paper place
- Scissors

To make this activity even more fun/creative, you could make a stone that can roll away! My little guy had already lost his attention by the time we made it how it was, that I wasn't going to tackle that, so we just cut a hole for the tomb entrance

12. Easter Snack

Here's a super yummy Easter themed snack idea!
All you'll need:
- Goldfish - Be Fishers of Men (Matt 4:19)
- Pretzel Sticks - The Cross (Col 2:14) - Goji Berries (or Craisins) - Jesus' Blood (Eph 1:7)
- Oat Bites (anything Round)- The Stone Rolled Away (Luke 24:2)
- Marshmallows (anything White) - Our Sins Were Washed Away (1 John 1:9)
- Jelly Beans (anything "Sweet") - "Taste and see that the Lord is good." (Psalm 34:8)

Serve in an egg! (or two!)